The July 17th Democracy in Action assembly (registration required)` will be held at the House of Hope Church, 752 E 114th St, Chicago IL from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. Bus transportation from Waukegan, Gurnee and Libertyville is being planned. You are encouraged to register for the event and transportation by July 11th. See the attached flyer. We Invite you to join 2000+ people from 100 member institutions across the region to engage elected officials to act with urgency and advance our local issues.
What we are asking from you is to attend which helps us show our elected officials that we of the community have come together around issues and could use their support to make our vision for Waukegan, Libertyville, Lake County and surrounding counties a reality. With any large issue that we tackle there will always be things that can slow movement like funding, approvals, grants, policies… etc, but with combined support from our elected officials and the dedication of the community we can navigate through those barriers to accomplish great things. In effect, we want to show democracy in action. Our power is the people we are speaking to are in their positions because of everyone who will be sitting down in those seats so our voices have great meaning. The more people we can bring from Lake County United shows our collective power and demonstrates to them just how serious we are about bettering where we go to school, work, and raise our families. If we can present 2500 people in a room on July 17th then there is no denying just how powerful we are as a United community.
Below you will find a flyer with complete details suitable for registration, printing and distribution.